Using Personalization To Improve Conversion Rates

We have had plenty of talks here on the blog about how noisy the digital world is. One of the best ways to cut the clutter is by using personalization to improve conversion rates. Today that is precisely what we are going to talk about to improve conversion rates.
The more you know about your visitors the better off you are going to be in terms of lead generation and sales. Armed with that information you can take it up a level by personalizing the marketing message to further engage your potential customers.

Using Personalization To Improve Conversion Rates

In email marketing, it can be easy to personalize the message but can be a bit more difficult to personalize it via your website and sales funnels.

A good example of pushing a bit of personalization can be seen on Pipedrive‘s website.

improve conversion rates

Our company is based out of Texas and on their home page they seem to be using our IP address to highlight where we are from in their marketing message.  They leverage some proof elements as well as some basic personalization to show us that there are more people in Texas using their service.

Now, this is the most simple form of personalization and we are sure it helps improve conversion rates for pipedrive as it adds a level of familiarity.

The level you use personalization to improve conversion rates can increase in complexity depending on how far you want to take it and how much information you actually have on your visitors.

A good example is once you have visitor data collected such as name and email, you can merge their name into your entire sales message.  As you know the more you can speak directly to your website visitors and their pain points the better experience they are going to have and the more they will engage, thus helping improve conversion rates.

What sounds better as an opening?

“Dear Friend,”
“Dear Mary,”

Obviously the more personal message will be more engaging.

This, of course, is the simplest form of personalization.  But you get the idea.

Say you have an e-commerce site that has a membership element to it.  You can use past purchases in your sale message as leverage for additional product purchases.  You can speak to them by name and by what they are most interested thanks to personalization.

Additionally, one great method for personalization is to leverage their past browsing history to serve up the products and ads they are most interested in.  Similar to how you do specific retargeting to products that were added to the shopping cart but not purchased.

If they arrive on your site and are browsing a certain product category you can then show them only products in that category on all the main landing pages for when they come back the next time or visit additional pages.

To take it a step further, let’s say you are selling clothing.  You have a vast array of products, such as scarves, shorts, sweaters, and jackets.

It wouldn’t make very much sense to market sweaters and gloves to those people who live in South Florida.  Use their demographic information to personalize the shopping experience.  Instead of gloves and sweaters, you may want to highlight clothing that is more suitable for a warmer climate.  The opposite is true for those that live in colder climates and for certain times of the year.

Using personalization to improve conversion rates is more than just using the person’s name and email, it is about creating a completely custom shopping experience that is tailored to their needs and wants.

Chances are you are collecting this data already thanks to analytics as well Optimizely recently rolled out a great personalization tool to help you deliver a better experience.

Take a look at your own online store and see if there are ways to personalize the message to the specific audience you are targeting, not just as a whole but really diving in to see how personalization can improve your shopping experience and improve conversion rates.

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If you want to get a custom game plan on how you can better leverage personalization to improve conversion rates, reach out for your no-obligation conversion acceleration session.