Remove Clutter To Increase Your Conversions 37%

The age old question of whether a “pretty” page is better than a “simple”, some may call “ugly” page.
Typically we would say that it depends greatly on your market, which it does.  Some markets respond better to plain and simple pages while others respond better to image heavy brochure styles.
In this case study we take it a step further as the variations of the page weren’t exactly ugly.
On a client’s campaign we wanted to see about increasing one of their main lead generation channels and that was one of a live demo of their software.  We have already done a bunch of work on the other lead generation channels and has proven successful with more than doubling the results from their existing traffic.
They hold a live demo each week day, you can simple register and see it in action live.  This has proven to be extremely effective for this particular client.
The image above is the “control” that we started with. (Note: We blocked out some information for privacy)
As you can see the page is pretty good.  Strong call to action, video, simple and clean.
One of the biggest “issues” we wanted to test was having more than one call to action on the page.  As you can see they have 3 separate calls to action, Join Live Demo, Schedule A Demo, and Start Trial.  We already know from many other tests in many different industries that having more than one call to action adds friction which reduces conversion rates.
But we don’t assume, instead we test to prove.
Version A as you can see below is a simpler page that removed the multiple calls to action and instead focused on the main goal of getting visitors to register for the live demo.
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We moved the “schedule” a demo into a hyper link in the body copy as they didn’t want to remove it completely, we removed the header, and made simpler easy to read page that put the majority of the focus on the form.
Version B…  we wanted to test what it looked like when adding back a clearer option to schedule a demo.
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We kept the majority of the focus on the live demo in this variation but gave them the option to schedule a demo.
The results came back pretty interesting over all.
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Early on, we saw a HUGE increase in conversions on “version A” where we removed all the distractions.  Version B with the schedule button also proved to beat the control early on as well.
But as in all tests it is important to let them run to get more conversions as with a low number of conversions you can have big swings in results.
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After letting it run you can see that version A proved to be a winner with 96% statistically significant results at 37.9% more live demo requests.  Almost 18% of the people who visit the simpler version A filled out the form vs 12.75% on the control.
Version B settled in and proved to increase conversions as well but not quite the bump that that it had without it…
The engagement on version B with the schedule button proved to be interesting as well.
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71% more people clicked on the schedule button but they seemed to only pay attention to it when it was visible and the overall result was that not having it on the page proved to bring in more leads and per our client they are extremely happy with the quality of those leads coming in.
This was an interesting experiment to run and proved to be a big winner for our client.  We have a few more ideas to test on this page to bring it up even more.
The lesson to be learned here is don’t try to distract your visitors by giving them too many options to choose from.  Lead them down a specific path you want them to take and you just might find that you get more of them to take the desired action.
Test it out and let us know the results.
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If you have a landing page you want critiqued or are looking for more results out of your marketing efforts feel free to reach out as we are happy to answer any questions you may have.